Wednesday, April 11, 2012


JUST ADDED: Spinning, tomorrow 4/12, 12:15pm @ Irving Place NYSC.

As always, you can find me Tuesdays, 6:30pm @ 16th St. & 8th Ave. NYSC.

Are you interested in a 5:30pm OR 7:30pm class on Tuesdays at 16th&8th?  Comment here to let me know!  I can make it happen if there is enough interest!

Monday, April 9, 2012

The par-tay is at 16th & 8th!

Last week was possibly the most amazing class ever!  Super awesome music, highly motivated people, and best of all, not a single empty bike!  I even gave my bike to a participant.

If you want to join me (and you know you do), make sure to call the club - in advance - to sign up for a bike.  I'm working on getting more bikes in the studio but in the meantime, call ahead!

Tuesdays, 6:30pm, 16th St. & 8th Ave. NYSC (A/C/E/L) 212.627.0065

Does 7:30pm on Tuesdays work better in your schedule?  Let me know because if I have enough interest, I can get that going too!